Sunday, August 7, 2016

Who's doing HHH this year

OK boys. HHH is almost here. Let's get a list of who will be attending. Here is who I know will be participating this year.

  1. Tom Hudon (multi-year participant)
  2. Dave Bouchard (multi-year participant)
  3. Walt Berend (multi-year participant)
  4. Kit Vinson (newbie)

Let's look at the results from previous years:

Of course, Tim Mikus has the time to beat. Seeing that it takes me an hour and a half to drive 100 miles, I don't expect that I will ever get anywhere close to Tim's number. However, if Carlos has continued work with his private trainer, he should be able to give Tim a run for his money.

I am expecting to put in a full day's work when I do HHH this year. If I cross the finish line before 8:00:00 then I will be happy. I will be good and ready for a cold beer when I get done.

IF you are a Crank AND you have participated in HHH in previous years AND you know your time AND you are not listed in the scoreboard, then send them to and I will get your name added to the master list.

Remember, the most current version of this list is always on the blog and accessible by clicking on the "HHH Crsanks Scoreboard" navigation tab at the top right part of the screen.

Good luck to everybody.

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