Monday, October 17, 2016

Coppell Cranks Window Stickers

Hey guys!!!!

We are almost an official cycling club.

OH, what am I saying. We are totally an official cycling club. We have weekly e-mails. we have a blog. We have a Facebook page. We have a banner. We even have a cause that we support with the firefighter and police ribfest.

Now, we are even more of an official club because we have window stickers for your car.

I know, I know. I can hear you now. You're saying, "Why Kit, how do I get my hands on one of those fine stickers so that I can help promote this cracker-jack cycling club?"

Now anybody who had halt their wits about them would be happy to pay $20 for such a fine sticker. But we think too much about you to ask you to pay retail. And anybody who was only half as proud of this fine cycling club as you are would be chomping at the bit to pay only $10 for this dandy of a sticker.

Well, I'm here to tell you that I'm going to make it easy on you. If you act now by calling the toll free number blinking on your screen, two of these stickers will be help for you at the AMAZING price of $0.00. That's right. You heard me perfectly. I said zero, zilch, nada. You will pay nothing for this adorable adornment. Use it in good health.

Johnny, show then what the get:

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